General Information:

  • Department: Lettere E Filosofia
  • Settore Ministeriale: L-ANT/10
  • ID code: 804002789
  • Teaching methods: Frontale E Altro
  • Assessment methods: Scritto E Orale
  • Prerequisites: It is strongly recommended that you follow the basic course of Methodology and Technique of Archaeological Research.
  • Objectives: LEARNING OUTCOMES: The course aims to deepen the theories and methods of investigation and interpretation of the discipline focusing on the aspects that relate man as a producer of landscapes and climate change currently underway. Consideration will be given to ways in which archaeology can help to understand the dynamics of landscape change and to what extent it can help to address these changes. It will address the methodologies of archaeological investigation oriented to these aspects, such as archeometry, the use of drones, the analysis of satellite images (remote sensing), georadar surveys and the use of GIS (Geographic Information Systems). For students of the Master��s Degree, the program will address the issues related to the drafting of a Preventive Verification of Archaeological Impact (VPIA) on the basis of the ministerial legislation currently in force, combining theoretical lessons with practical research lessons. KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Students will be required to understand the advanced notions of the discipline. APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The ability to create logical connections with other archaeological disciplines will be verified. MAKING JUDGEMENTS: The ability to provide logical links between the various topics covered in the course will be required. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: It will require the ability to synthesize, elaborate and expound the main topics covered in the course. LEARNING SKILLS: At the end of the training activities of this module, students can: - know the advanced techniques of land analysis and stratigraphic excavation documentation; - independently develop the best archaeological investigation strategies according to the context to be investigated. - Students of the Master��s degree will be able to produce a VPIA document and will learn the associated legislation.
  • Office hours: contattare il docente.


  • A.Y.: 2023/2024
  • Channel: UNICO
  • Credits / ECTS(CFU): 6
  • Mandatory Attendance: No