General Information:

  • Department: Lettere E Filosofia
  • Settore Ministeriale: SECS-P/07
  • ID code: 804002454
  • Teaching methods: Frontale E Altro
  • Assessment methods: Orale
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Objectives: The course aims to transfer to students theoretical and practical advanced knowledge on the fundamentals and the analytical and operational tools for understanding and interpreting the dynamics of food and wine tourism, with specific reference to the management problems of firms and destinations that operate in the field. The ultimate aim of the course is to develop key competences and abilities necessary to operate in entrepreneurial and managerial roles and as a professional in the field of management consulting, with reference to different types of firms, institutions and other organizations (public and private), operating in the food and wine tourism field at national and international levels. In particular, on the basis of the knowledge acquired and skills developed during the course, through the course material, project work (in teams), business cases, and interaction with experts in the field, students will be able: a) to strengthen decision-making and critical reasoning skills in the field of entrepreneurial, managerial and public policies for food and wine tourism; b) to develop the ability to apply creatively the acquired knowledge for the analysis, discovery and identification of solutions to specific strategic and managerial problems that may occur during the various phases of the life cycle of firms and destinations of food and wine destinations.
  • Office hours: Martedi' dalle 14:00 alle 15:00


  • A.Y.: 2023/2024
  • Channel: UNICO
  • Credits / ECTS(CFU): 6
  • Mandatory Attendance: No