General Information:

  • Department: Lettere E Filosofia
  • Settore Ministeriale: L-ANT/07
  • ID code: 804001356
  • Teaching methods: Frontale
  • Assessment methods: Orale
  • Prerequisites: It requires you to have an examination on Roman history or at least a good knowledge of that matter.
  • Objectives: KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The course aims to provide students with the knowledge and methodological tools necessary for the understanding of Roman art in its artistic manifestations. Through the analysis of the main archaeological areas, architectural and sculptural monuments, evidence of painting and the minor arts, students are intended to develop an awareness of the processes of development of Roman art in the different chronological phases, of artisanal practices, of the relationship with historical and cultural issues, with particular attention to the documentation offered by literary sources. The construction of knowledge and comprehension will also be aimed at highlighting the significance of Roma art and archaeology in the development of European culture and in relation to the other disciplines of classical antiquity. APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Students must be able to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired to read and interpret the technical, iconographic, formal and iconological characteristics of works of art and ancient monuments in the historical framework of reference. Particular attention will be given to understanding the concept of "context", so that students become aware of the meaning of the works for the purpose of their preservation and enhancement as cultural goods. MAKING JUDGEMENTS: The course aims to help students develop the ability to read the work through the acquired knowledge and understanding, to frame it in the context of the development of the history of ancient art through technical, iconographic analysis, stylistic and iconological; In particular, critical issues and different proposals for interpretation will be highlighted to stimulate the development of an autonomous capacity for analysis and research. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: During the course the student will have to acquire the ability to describe in a structured and appropriate way the techniques, iconographic and stylistic characteristics of a work or monument, expressing himself with a lexicon that contemplates the use of technical terms, but it is also able to provide an explanation in a form that is also understandable to non-specialists. LEARNING SKILLS: The student will be trained with the aim of acquiring a method of study and critical approach to the subject, which allows him to deal independently with the analysis of materials and historical-artistic issues, in order to provide him with the tools to able to learn and rework the contents of the course in a conscious way.
  • Office hours: Dal 1 ottobre 2023 il ricevimento e' fissato il Lunedi' dalle 10 alle 12 o su appuntamento scrivendo a


  • A.Y.: 2023/2024
  • Channel: M-Z
  • Credits / ECTS(CFU): 6
  • Mandatory Attendance: No