General Information:

  • Department: Lettere E Filosofia
  • Settore Ministeriale: M-FIL/04
  • ID code: 804000338
  • Teaching methods: Frontale
  • Assessment methods: Orale
  • Prerequisites: no pre-requisite
  • Objectives: KNOWLEDGE AND CAPACITY TO UNDERSTAND: ability to read a philosophical text that proposes an original phenomenological theory of perception CAPACITY TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: ability to apply what has been studied to the relationship between intuitive and rational knowledge AUTONOMY OF JUDGMENT: being able to critically judge how the traditional phenomenological theory of intentionality should be corrected COMMUNICATIVE SKILLS: to be able to discuss the main themes of Lambert Wiesing's phenomenology LEARNING SKILLS: to learn some of the problems posed by the relationship between aesthetics as a theory of perception and phenomenology
  • Office hours: Estetica modulo per Laurea Magistrale orario lun. 11-13, mart. 10-12, merc. 10-12. inizio delle lezioni 02/10/2023 fine delle lezioni 08/11/2023 Attenzione: per seguire le lezioni (a distanza) inviare il proprio account skype a


  • A.Y.: 2023/2024
  • Channel: UNICO
  • Credits / ECTS(CFU): 6
  • Mandatory Attendance: No