General Information:

  • Department: Lettere E Filosofia
  • Settore Ministeriale: L-ANT/07
  • ID code: 804000224
  • Teaching methods: Frontale
  • Assessment methods: Orale
  • Prerequisites: It requires a basic knowladge of Greek history, even at the level of high school studies.
  • Objectives: LEARNING OUTCOMES: The course of Archaeology and History of Roman Art (class A) aims to provide the knowledge of of development of Greek art from the origins to the firsth c. B.C. and promove the ability to read and understand monuments and works in different chronological phases. Through the analysis of the main archaeological areas, architectural and sculptural monuments, evidence of painting and the minor arts, students are intended to develop an awareness of the processes of development of Greek art in the different chronological phases. In the course (class A) will be discussed the development of greek art, from the origins to the firsth. c. B.C., with reference to the main archaeological sites and monuments. The exam is oral. It provides for a verification of 30 minutes of the content illustrated in the course of the lessons with the support of the manual texts adopted. Evaluation criteria: 1) the knowledge of the contents envisaged by the program (transversal themes, periodization and historical contextualization of the phenomena, recognition and contextualization of monuments, works and artifacts) will be evaluated; 2) the quality of oral expression, with particular reference to the use of correct technical terminology; 3) the ability to critically analyze and apply the tools for reading and interpreting phenomena, acquired during the lessons. The positive evaluation (passing the exam) will result in a score from 18/30 to 30/30 assigned according to the following parameters: a) The achievement of an excellent or exhaustive understanding of the subject covered during the lessons, with the demonstration of critical sense and with adequate means of verbal expression, will be evaluated with the maximum scores (27-30 laude). b) Mainly mnemonic acquisition of the subject of the course and verbal expression and logical skills not fully satisfactory, will be evaluated with a score between good (24-26) and discrete (21-23). c) Minimum acquisition of the subject of the course, verbal expression and inadequate logical skills, will be evaluated with sufficient score (18-20). The absence of a minimum acquisition of the subject of the course combined with verbal expression and inadequate logical skills, will be evaluated with insufficient score, which provides for the repetition of the exam. A. Giuliano, Arte Greca, Roma 2014 T. HÖLSCHER, L�� archeologia classica. Un' ��introduzione, Roma 2010 (only the chapters about Greek art). Foreign students are request to concord the program of the exam with the professor before the end of the semester. As support and integration of the adopted texts, it is advisable to deepen the preparation using the Enciclopedia dell'Arte Antica, Classica e Orientale, that can be consulted in the library. The use of a historical atlas is recommended.In the lectures the technical terminology will be used and explained in the description and analysis of the works of art and monumental complexes, so that students can progressively acquire it and use it independently and consciously. In the frontal lectures, the problems of a historical-artistic and archaeological nature will be highlighted, the various critical proposals put forward in the reading and interpretation of monuments and works. As a supplement to the frontal lessons, visits will be organized to the main archaeological sites and museum collections of Rome and Lazio, as well as some conferences and seminars.frequency is not mandatory, although highly recommended. The lectures of the institutional course will take place three days a week.
  • Office hours: Dal 1 ottobre 2023 il ricevimento e' fissato il Lunedi' dalle 10 alle 12 o su appuntamento scrivendo a


  • A.Y.: 2023/2024
  • Channel: M-Z
  • Credits / ECTS(CFU): 6
  • Mandatory Attendance: No